Adventuring, Learning, and Sharing through my life…

Everything we do is connected to the environment. All of the resources used to make the clothes on your back or the phone in your hand, came from the environment. Is there a way to have both and still live a happy, fulfilled, follow-your-dreams kind of life?!

I strongly believe yes.

Live your best life and be the best human you can be. I'm constantly learning and adventuring so I can share my experiences right here on this blog and all over social media. Get tips and tricks to making the most of your life while preserving life on this planet.


Who Am I? 

I'm a Writer, Biology and Environmental Biology Professor, and Speaker who is always up for an outdoor adventure, while keeping the environment in mind.

I'm a lover of science and really: science communication. I want to do my part to make the world a better place.

Find out more on About Me.

Check out my Blog to find my most recent adventures with a mix of my published columns/articles. If you're interested in a specific topic (palm oil, climate change, etc), try the search button on the right column of every page to search the archives.

Interested in my freelance work?  Visit my Freelance Writing Tab.

Need a speaker for an event, corporate meeting, convocation, etc? My speaker topics include:

  • - How climate change relates to your everyday life (Here's my TEDx talk on similar: "Connect to Cool Climate Change")
  • - Environmental/Science Communication
  • - Social Media and the Environment
  • - Sustainability/Climate Change in the classroom
  • - Real life sustainable living for individuals

Find out what my friends are up to on the Links to Love.