A short trip to Austin.

Last Thursday/Friday I took a short trip to Austin for a one day meeting. I’ve only been to Austin one other time and it was for a very memorable New Year’s Eve celebration with some of my besties. I was excited to return but knew this was not going to be anything like my previous trip.

This short trip did spark my enthusiasm for travel again. I’ve been busy settling in at my job and house that we haven’t done much traveling and as part of my new years resolution, I’m ready! The fabulous news is Austin is only 3 hours from my house. Holla! That means return trips will occur.

The trip and meeting was a great reminder that Texas has a lot to offer in the vastness and diversity of habitats. But what the trip made even more apparent to me is that there is an entire country out there and even more an entire world. Living in Texas comes with the Texcentric challenges. Texas views everything through Texas eyes (How does it effect Texas, or we have that it in Texas, or lets make Texas the best etc.). I usually can enjoy the state pride but lately it’s just a bit too much for me. Hey Texas, how can we help in making our country better? Not just ourselves.

Anyway, I was able to meet up with a good friend from graduate school and do a bit of reminiscing of all of our crazy adventures through Palo Duro Canyon all in the name of research on ringtails. Good times. Also stopped at the Capitol and attended my meeting. Learned a bit and then turned for home. I desperately wanted to stay in Austin for the weekend but my family was awaiting my return.

Some pics of my exploring! Yes while driving. Yes there was insane traffic and one ways. And yes Austin has the most homeless people I have ever seen. More than NYC for sure. There is lots more to see in Austin and lots more to help out and do.

I look forward to another trip down soooon. But next time I’m taking my car. My car is in need of a visit to the shop so my trip to Austin lacked being green in the gas guzzling truck.

I have been re bitten by the traveling bug and this bites a itchin!





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