About Me


You’re probably wondering who I am…

My name is Naïma Jeannette Hill (Montacer). My father is from Tunisia (North Africa) and “Naïma” is an Arabic name that loosely translates to a meaning of “from the heavens”. My mother’s name is Jean, hence the middle name of Jeannette.

If I spent all of my days doing just what I love I would travel the world with a backpack, play in the ocean, snorkel coral reefs, spend time with family and friends, sit by a campfire every night, backpack through Yellowstone… all the while writing about it. I love taking pictures and sharing my adventures with the world. I hope it inspires people to explore their area and beyond.

A few major items in my life have shaped the person I am today: my family, soccer, and graduate school. My family was always an outdoors family, camping and playing outside.  Apparently, I screamed my first word, “outside”while running naked through our backyard. I grew up playing soccer and went on to play Division 1 soccer at a top ten ranked program (UConn).  Soccer was my life for 20 years. Playing at a high level engraved in me a strong sense of hard work, leadership, and teamwork but ultimately, it taught me, there is more to life. Graduate school really shaped the person I am today. While pursuing my Master of Science in Biology, I became very inquisitive, determined to find answers, and become knowledgeable. This extra sense of curiosity is something I carry with me today and try to inspire in others. My thesis research project was incredibly tough field work involving the cutest and most overlooked animals, ringtails. Read an entire blog devoted to my beloved ringtails here.

My work today is multifaceted but always comes back to encouraging myself and others to be better to ourselves and our environment. I connect people with environmental concerns facing our planet that effect both humans and wildlife, with their everyday actions. There’s so many ways we can care for our planet – it’s about finding the right choices that make your life better.

Get a taste of who I am and what I do by watching my TEDx talk on climate change.

Thank you for stopping by and connect with me on social media!

Miss Beaker and I.



@naimajeannette  Twitter

Naima on Facebook  Facebook

12 Responses to About Me

  1. Jenny Plunkett Colombo says:

    All this time I have known you, and never knew you were a soccer champ! I have been your biggest enviro fan ever since you hired me at the Dallas Zoo, Naima. Working locally has afforded me more time to catch up to my life and all that I’ve been missing here. Can’t wait to read more!

  2. Bud Ogden says:

    I just read your editorial about feral cats in the Katy Trail Weekly. My back yard is over run with feral cats. Someone is feeding them in neighborhood. I have a lot of vegetation in my yard that attacks birds. I can attest to the number of birds that these cats devour. In particular, Mockingbirds, which seen to have a fearless attitude until it is too late. Cardinals as well Robins are fair game for these feral cats. In attempting to do something about this problem I purchased a trap cage and each week for the last month I catch one cat and take it to the Dallas Animal Pound (4 cats so far). I do not support this group that wants to neuter the cats and return them to the neighborhood so they can continue their hunt for beneficial birds. Further, the cats still have diseases. I have seen this and believe returning the cats to a neighborhood is cruel. The population of feral cats needs to be tremendously reduced and euthanizing them is the only way to restore natures balance.

  3. Jessica Laudicina says:

    Hello! I’m your 2nd (?) cousin, Jessica Laudicina (Tony’s daughter). Love the site and the pictures! Can’t wait to see more. 🙂

  4. Janet Corrette says:

    Hi, Naima! I am thrilled to find this blog for several reasons. I think I was a good friend to your mother, Jean, in college. She was also talented in sports. This is a Jean I visited in Tunisia in the 1970’s to see her in the Peace Corps. Best of luck with all you do! Your parents must be proud. Keep up all the good work. and p.s I love ringtails!!

  5. Karen Femniak says:

    Naima!! You are amazing, and I am so excited to see what you are doing. Hopefully I can figure this whole following a blog thing and keep tabs on your adventures. I hope to learn more about your conservation quests and see exciting new animals like the ringtail! Granny would be soooooo proud!! I love you and keep traveling and blogging <3

    • admin says:

      Thank you for the sweet sweet comment!! You can subscribe to the blog via email or just get them every time I post them on facebook!

  6. Dessa says:

    Nadine! Love the new website, keep up the good work.

  7. Mark Cloud says:

    Love your website. The musings of an outdoor gal who is funny, thoughtful and just a little spunky… Can there be anything better??

    Look forward to following along…

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