Calling all teachers!

Calling all teachers!

I’ve got an idea. Many classroom science teachers really want to bring science into their classrooms and at the same time meet professionals in the field. I am bombarded with Skype requests for zoologists, keepers and mostly general animal or conservation questions. I love skyping with the teachers and kids because they are excited to hear from an animal person. I usually only have about 20-30 min with a group and its never enough time. I try and extend our interactions as much as I can. Such as, a few weeks ago when I was in California I took a few short videos and texted them to a teacher to show her kids. They loved it.

So sparked my idea… In today’s world we are moving toward technology but the most powerful technology is the personal. If I could have weekly or biweekly short skype dates with several classes it would help the teachers and inspire the kids. The kids could have a deeper connection an be able to ask specific questions as they work on classroom projects and activities.

Each week I can focus on what they are working on in school. I have been creating and teaching teachers workshops and classroom programs for years now and this connection to real life is invaluable. I am well versed in state and national standards so content is always relevant. My background of being a field wildlife biologist, zookeeper, vet assistant and environmental educator has broadened my personal knowledge through hands on experience as well as connections with fellow scientist professionals across the country.

My skyping is all done via my phone and free. So what I propose is we start this! Now is the perfect time. Over summer break we can work out some select times in the school year we should Skype, I can create personalized content and make sure our technology on both ends is working. We can strategically place some interactions to give students some real life examples, problems and projects that fall right in line with your semester sequencing.

Also one thing teachers find most valuable from me is the support. I am on your side and here to help make your classroom a success. Email me and I always email back. You will find, I have a hard (pretty much impossible) time saying no to Good requests.

So why do I want to do this? I love the enjoyment and thrill kids receive from skyping with a zoologist. They love it and they love asking questions. I encourage inquiry in all my programs but the most questions generated are always over skype! Also, I am such a strong believer that science is for everyone, not just the scientists. I do understand most scientists have a hard time talking to kids and the public. I can be the middle man to deliver complex science to any age group! Here is a recent example: Two weeks ago I made convergent evolution activities for preschool to 12th grade. The preschool and high school environmental science teachers were both equally excited to take their respective activities back to their classrooms.

Ok so email me if you want to work this out for the fall. Oh heck if you have summer school and want to do it too, I’m in. Plus it’s Skype so you don’t have to be in my area, you just have to have a webcam and the Internet with enough bandwidth at your school. (Not enough bandwidth and the video doesn’t work).

Lets excite some kids through personal technology.

Skype for science education!


The above post was posted on May 24, 2013. I wanted to give an update as many teachers still find this post.

Today: April 2, 2014. I am still happy to Skype with your group. I am a freelance writer now focusing on conservation, wildlife and sustainability. It’s awesome because I utilize my past wildlife experience to create engaging content that reaches more people than any of my previous roles. The best part about writing is that I continue to research and learn more about conservation and wildlife. If you want to see some writing examples click here.

With that being said, I am happy to talk about my experience, wildlife and any questions your students have. But I do not work at a zoo anymore, so my video background has changed. I work from home! The only exotic animal here, is my ten year old beagle mutt.

I look forward to hearing from you. Email me at and we can set up a date and time.

Interested to know my crazy background?  View my resume click here.



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3 Responses to Calling all teachers!

  1. Tracy Billie says:

    Our 4th grade class is just beginning to learn about animals and do animal reports. We are blogging in the classroom and have started to use Google Hangouts to connect and collaborate with other classroom. We would love if we could do Google Hangouts with you too and learn from you. Please let me know if you are still interested in connecting with a classroom.
    Thank you,
    Mrs. Billie

  2. theresa brierley says:

    Hello there and happy holidays!

    I have been searching for a zoologist to Skype with my upper level zoology class. I have some unique circumstances as I took over the class close to two months into the year and the students had a non-science trained substitute for that time, learning absolutely no zoology. I am an environmental scientist with a hydrology specialty, and have a Master’s in education and finishing my second Master’s in administration and also working on my doctorate in science education/educational leadership/data analysis and curriculum and instruction. Also, I am at a charter school in the inner city and most of my students have not ventured outside of Toledo, Ohio. I am hoping we can chat and would love to be able to set up some Skype time with you. I can provide you with more information then as well. We are a technology science academy and I have a Smart board and Skype capability.

    Thank you for your time,
    Theresa Brierley

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