Category Archives: el paso zoo

The zoo has been a zoo!

The past two weeks at the zoo have literally been a zoo!  For the most part the weather has been great and it has been Spring Break!  Ahh, Spring Break, a time of relaxation and revitalization to push forward into … Continue reading

Posted in Castner Range, el paso zoo, El Paso Zoological Society, franklin mountains, Franklin Mountains Wilderness Coalition, Kidspalooza, Museum of Archeaology, Poppies Fest, Spring Break, Workshops | 1 Comment

Its been way too long.

It has been almost a month since my last blog post!  Lets just say things have gone haywire.  I am sure all of your lives have too.   It was holiday time for crying out loud.  Instead of boring you … Continue reading

Posted in biodiversity, christmas, el paso zoo, exotic animals, ozark natural science center, thomas french, turpentine creek, year of the bat, zoo story | Leave a comment

Is this really the Chihuahuan DESERT?

Recently the El Paso Zoo Education team and a few volunteers embarked on a journey to the Guadalupe Mountains National Park located about two hours east of El Paso.  Our trip to McKittrick Canyon in the Guadalupe Mountains was a … Continue reading

Posted in agave, biodivserity, century plant, chihuahuan desert, continue your adventure, el paso zoo, Fall, Guadalupe Mountains, Leaves, lechugilla, McKittrick Canyon, Photosynthesis, pulque, sotol | Leave a comment

Showtime with KCOS TV

I recently shot three episodes for a local TV show called Blast Beyond.  The show’s premise is that the leader of the spaceship Captain Rob (played by a local eccentric weatherman) travels through space with his space band and brings … Continue reading

Posted in black footed ferret, black widow, Blast Beyond, brown recluse, cloud, el paso zoo, insects, KCOS TV, water conservation | Leave a comment

It’s about to get crazy up in here!

There are few things coming up this week that I am excited for and at the same time scrambling to be prepared for.  I can not wait to blog about them after the fact! 1. This Thursday I will be … Continue reading

Posted in Blast Beyond, el paso zoo, Elephant, elephant fest, KCOS TV | Leave a comment

Honoring Wzui.

Ok it is time to be brave and tackle this issue.  I have left it alone for a while, but just because I am tentative to write about it and share my opinion should not stop me from posting about … Continue reading

Posted in el paso zoo, Malayan tiger, MYCAT, Palm oil. zookeeper, species survival plan, World Wildlife Fund, Wzui | Leave a comment

I heart and hate bags.

I have an obsession with reusable recycled shopping bags.  I love acquiring new bags either for very cheap but more often for free.  It is hard to pass up another bag because you can leave them in your car, office, … Continue reading

Posted in bags, el paso zoo, plastic, pollution, recycle, reusable, take action | 1 Comment

Enrich your Life!

At the zoo an enrichment is something given to the animals to “enrich” their lives.  That is, it engages their mind and body.  It can be food, a treat, a puzzle, a scent, or something different placed in their exhibit … Continue reading

Posted in african lion, behavior, birthday, el paso zoo, enrichment, malayan sun bear, training | Leave a comment

The first sleepover.

Things are moving right along at the zoo.  I scheduled some Zoo Adventure Programs in August and now it is almost September!  I had my first Behind the Scenes Tour, Roar and Snore Sleepover and Career Day for 60 high … Continue reading

Posted in campfire, el paso zoo, exotic, fuel briquette, nocturnal, palm oil, slow loris, sustainability | 1 Comment