Category Archives: Uncategorized
Think About What You’re Putting On Your Yard And Garden
As expected, the local Home Depot was a madhouse this past Saturday. A beautiful weekend day in the spring inspires people to put their old shoes on and work in their yard, stopping by the local garden and yard store … Continue reading
Earth Day And New Environmental Learning Area At Cedar Valley College
This article came out last Thursday in the Katy Trail Weekly. It is still relative to today and the second part talks about the new Environmental Learning Area at Cedar Valley College. This Friday, April 22, is the celebration of … Continue reading
Should You Be Worried About Cockroaches And Kissing Bugs?
Hello all! Well, it’s been a crazy few weeks. My beloved computer has run into a little hiccup. It’s times like these I am very thankful to live in a big city with an Apple store less than five miles … Continue reading
We Need Creative Ideas To Coexist With Wildlife
On a recent drive to Colorado, we unknowingly drove on one of the most dangerous roads in the area, hazardous due to wildlife collisions. It wasn’t a large amount of dead animals on the side of the road that alarmed … Continue reading
Nuclear Energy – Environmentally Friendly Or Not?
I waiver on the fence sometimes, but when forced to make a decision, I know what side I’ll land on regarding nuclear energy. The Fukushima nuclear disaster has been making headlines again as we acknowledge the five-year anniversary and take … Continue reading
Add Green To Your Spring Break
Spring break is synonymous with beach-side debauchery these days, but its roots are grounded in the ancient Greeks and Romans. Far from the college-aged dance parties, ancient societies welcomed the arrival of spring with their own celebrations. It wasn’t until … Continue reading
Zika Virus Today, Next Emerging Disease On Its Way
A few short weeks ago, the word Zika meant very little to all of us. Now, we understand the Zika virus is a serious mosquito spread illness possibly connected to a birth defect, microcephaly. The Zika virus, named in 1947 … Continue reading
Earth 911 – National Recycling Resource Located In The DFW Area
One of the most frequent questions I’m asked is “Where can I recycle _______?” From common yogurt containers to hard to recycle Brita filters, it’s a constant battle to figure out how to reduce your waste. Recycling locations often change … Continue reading
Believe In Love, Sustainable Green Love
If you tuned into the greenest Super Bowl of all time this past Sunday, you probably didn’t notice the environmental efforts behind the scenes. The 50th Super Bowl, held at Levi’s Stadium in the San Francisco Bay area, a sustainable … Continue reading
Public Lands Are Yours To Protect
The standoff continues on at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oregon. Even days after the arrest and the death of one, there are a few hanging on occupying the refuge. They are on your land, that’s right, the public’s … Continue reading