Category Archives: year of the bat

Blame it on January.

Are you stressed out? Well let me just say that we all are.  The other day I decided to fight back and not let the stress get to me.  I went bopping in to work happy and ready to take … Continue reading

Posted in bat houses, poppies, teacher workshop, year of the bat | Leave a comment

Its been way too long.

It has been almost a month since my last blog post!  Lets just say things have gone haywire.  I am sure all of your lives have too.   It was holiday time for crying out loud.  Instead of boring you … Continue reading

Posted in biodiversity, christmas, el paso zoo, exotic animals, ozark natural science center, thomas french, turpentine creek, year of the bat, zoo story | Leave a comment

Happy Halloweeeeen!

Happy Halloween all!  Halloween is one of my favorite holidays although I did not dress up this year.  I had visions of dressing up as a bat with white nose syndrome but it just didn’t come to fruition.  I wanted … Continue reading

Posted in bat conservation international, bats, BCI, enrichments, Happy Halloween, pumpkins, scare crow, white nosed syndrome, WNS, year of the bat | Leave a comment