There are few things coming up this week that I am excited for and at the same time scrambling to be prepared for. I can not wait to blog about them after the fact!
1. This Thursday I will be filming three live to tape educational entertainment TV shows for the local KCOS TV station. The show is called Blast Beyond and their is a live studio kid audience as well as a band. The show airs everyday at 5pm. The three show topics I am doing are: Water (the importance of water and water conservation), Endangered species (what it means and how you can help – highlighting Black-footed ferrets), and insects (their importance in our ecosystem). Now that I am more prepared for the shows I am excited to participate. I love the idea of being able to reach a larger audience and encourage kids to learn about wildlife and conservation!
2. Elephant Fest is this weekend September 24-25 at the El Paso Zoo! I am often very excited about events at the zoo because it allows me the creativity to come up with an interactive learning tool for the public. I built a home made interactive Elephant Time line hightlighting elephant populations from 1900 to today. The time line ends with a take action section where people learn about ways they can help elephants in the wild. It is almost finished and can’t wait for the reveal of my tent and my huge awesome banner that Paul Dumond (the zoo graphic’s guy) made! Plus, there are Elephant Fest T-shirts that I can not wait to wear and I hope some elephant stickers or tattoos or something!
Also, other Education Specialists have put together some snazzy tents about Elephant Biology, The Palm Oil Crisis, The Flying Squad and Elephant Diets! I am excited to see what they have put together and watch out because there will be a parade both days at 11:30am and Asian belly dancers!
3. Breakfast with the Elephants. On both Saturday and Sunday the zoo will be hosting a program about elephants while participants dine on a hot breakfast and Savannah and Juno eat their breakfast close by as well! I am excited to speak to the group as well as listen to what their keepers that work with them every day have to share.
I hope to take lots of pictures so I can post them here for you all to view!
Excited yet nervous.