Kicking my life into overdrive. 2013 Resolutions.

As I wrap up one more year I have HIGH hopes for another year. My optimism impresses me. Even as I sit here on my couch on January first feeling the dreaded… sick. Is this an omen for 2013? I sure hope not.

Starting off the year in El Paso and ending the year in Dallas has taken quite a bit out of me. I look forward to “catching up” in 2013 and embarking on many adventures. So here is my list of “resolutions”. Most are really goals or things I need to remind myself to do and strive for. But my number one resolution is… I am kicking my life into overdrive.

  1. Adventure more.
  2. Eat right for me.
  3. Visit one country I have never been to.
  4. Visit friends.
  5. Drink at least 64 ounces of water every day.
  7. Volunteer – pick an organization and commit.
  8. Exercise – this never used to be on my list because I always did it. 2012 was a year of laziness and my body could use a tone up.
  9. stay healthy – as I write this blog sick, I hope this is my last sickness for the entire year!
  10. Be green – buy less, make more, throw away less. Think.
  11. and the last one… I am scared to write this as if you write it down you must commit. Here goes nothing. I am joining the 365blogging. In my own way though. For me it will be a 260 challenge. That means I must blog 260 days this year. I decided to try and complete a blog a day on the train (mon-fri). The train will probably provide me with unique inspiration and if blogging my adventures (with a green/wildlife/conservation twist) is what I want out of life, practice practice practice! So look forward to an inspired more regular blog.

I’ve had lots of inspirations lately and it’s time to kick all of them into overdrive and pull through. So here I go. I hope this blog (past, present and future) inspires you to put your life into overdrive and push forward to your goals. I figure, if we don’t get there, we will at least have some great stories to tell!



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