Lately, it was my birthday. Lately, I started a new job. Lately, it’s been crazy. Lately, I have been feeling that “where in my life am I?” feeling. So I decided to become inspired to make change happen. I don’t want to become one of these people: “Everyone gets so excited and thinks they can do everything and then does nothing.”
Lately… Lately I’ve been filling my brain with inspirational knowledge. With that I mean, I have been reading everything I can get my hands on, watching all kinds of inspirational shows and recently pulled out something old to work on (that you will later hold me accountable for). First let me share with you 4 of the fabulous items I have found and that I truly believe you should take a look into.
1 – Start Something That Matters by Blake Mycoskie – a book – not just any book. The book is about the founder (Blake Mycoskie) or TOMS shoes which you will learn is not about a guy named Tom but about “tomorrows shoes”. It’s one of those books that has lots of references you are going to want so it will stay on your bookshelf. It is just inspiring and good to hear that something big started from so small. A company forging forward for profit is still doing good in the world. “The story” of your company is extremely important. Oh and it is a super quick easy read.
2 – Do schools kill creativity? by Sir Ken Robinson – a 2007 TED video – If you don’t know what TED videos are… TED: Ideas worth spreading = Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world. TED talks started off small key, but now thanks to the internet are easy to find (or the app on my phone!). Talks are usually about 20 minutes long with little hooplah except the person talking on stage. Anyway, I saw this video a long time ago but I forgot about it or it didn’t hit me as hard at that time. This video is one I will put in my collection to watch over and over. It’s 20 minutes long of where are education system is and where it really should be. Creativity is a strength and should be fostered. Our current system… well watch the video, I promise it is worth it.
3 – NPR – talk radio. Yup you heard me right. I listen to NPR. I also listen to rap music, pop, country and blue grass but probably most people would not know I listen to NPR. I have the app on my phone as well, and I use it… lots. Just by listening to a bit of NPR I feel more connected to what is going in the world and more importantly locally here in Dallas! Plus little tidbits I learn along the way I have actually already used in my knowledge base!
4 – Half the Sky – Book and Video – I watched the video on Netflix. An hour and a half about the mistreatment of women around the world. Holy crap it is crazy!!! The amount of injustice going on throughout the world is heartwrenching to say the least. Young girls that are raped and then kicked out of their house because of it. So sad and really gives you perspective on your life. I highly recommend watching or reading the book. Or at least take a look at the webpage. Ignorance is NOT bliss. We need to know what is going on and do something to make a difference.
These were just a few of the random things I have been diving into. This has pushed me to do one thing at a time. And first… I am going to publish my research. Research I completed from my thesis, all nicely put together in my published thesis but not in a scientific journal. I made the decision and promise to my advisor that I was going to focus on finishing my thesis and then work on the publication… Well, I finished my thesis, defended and graduated with my masters, but I never kept the promise to seek publication in a scientific journal.
But times are changing and I can’t break a promise. That’s right, I said it. That means I have to do it. And you reading this are responsible to keep me moving forward. I started tonight. I pulled out my old computer, found my old files and opened them up! The last time I worked on the publication was February of 2010, almost three years ago. Honestly the time may have been a good thing. My writing has improved over the years and I look forward to kicking this publication’s booty and adding it to my resume! All and all, with my masters work included, this will be about 5 years of work for one line on my resume. One line that I can’t wait for!
So with future blog posts, at the end, I will give an update on where I am with this publication. If you don’t think I am at the right place and dragging my feet, yell at me, scold me, embarrass me, something to get me going again!
Because lately, I want to be more than lately!
PS: of course a blog post can’t go without a picture! African Penguin from the Dallas Zoo. Best camera is the camera you have at all times. Mine = my phone. 🙂
I’ve been looking and it seems you need to reserve tickets. I’m thinking about going on the 27th (Sunday) before we head home from DFW. I’ll let you know 🙂
Ok. Now I’m double excited about the Perot museum. Explored the website, found awesome exhibits, and realized it’s on the ASTC list so we can go for free!
Oh ya! Miss Lily will love love it. The Perot is the Museum of nature and science that was at Fair Park. It had a children’s area there as well. Most of the exhibit stuff is different than what they had at Fair Park although I just learned today that some of the ideas were carried over. I never saw the old one but I hear this one is a Major Revamp of the old. When you come with miss lily let me know!
I didn’t realize you were blogging so much! Gotta sign up for the email, I guess. Lots of awesome and inspiring ideas and goals in the last few posts! I love that you love NPR. It’s one of the only things I feel good about listening to with the kids. Usually, it’s news, but the other night on a long icy (scary!) drive alone I realized upon arriving in AMA that I listened to an hours worth of banjo! Totally kept me calm. I got so excited while reading your Perot entry. I just have to take Lily! She would love it. Is this sort of a revamp of the Dallas Children’s museum? I really didn’t like our last visit there, but this seems much better.
Excellent links. You are one of my heros! You take bits of beautiful inspiration gathered in your own life and wrap them up for us all to unravel. You simplify the wildness going on around yourself, and then outline that process so we may use as an example. “Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.” -Albert Schweitzer
You are kickin’ butt, Gal. Now, what is the update on the thesis? Eight days later…. 😉
Thank you wonderful Miss Maggie for your comment! Love you and you are a source of inspiration in my life. Oh and the publication… It’s going. Not fast. But going. No more procrastinating!
Much love and cheers!