On the local news!

A few weeks ago I wrote about the ridiculous amount of tires we found at Goat Island Preserve during a hike. My article which talks about the environmental impacts of tires, ways to recycle tires, and new tire technology can be read here.

A few days after it was published in the Katy Trail Weekly, Ben Russell, a reporter for NBC5 Dallas/Fort Worth, tweeted me. Russell mentioned he read my article and asked if I could show them around Goat Island Preserve. I was happy to collaborate with the local TV news and met Russell and the camera man, Kevin, early one morning to hike the trails. I made them walk a littler farther than expected but it paid off in seeing tires hanging from the trees, huge tractor tires, and some other great shots.

It resulted in a story that aired on the morning news here in Dallas/Fort Worth this past Tuesday. Take a peek at the video by clicking the link below:

NBC 5 DFW morning news tire story with Naima Montacer 


What fun to be on camera again!

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