Random Inspirations

Lately so much has been happening in our world.  Where does your inspiration come from? 

The passing of Steve Jobs has had an incredible impact on so many people.  I watched his Stanford Commencement speech before but I watched it again the other day when I read the news of his passing.  As I watched I thought, if one person can overcome many trials and tribulations and still maintain and obtain huge dreams, why can’t we all?  If you have not watched the video yet, do yourself and the world a favor and watch it here

I strongly believe and agree with Steve Jobs that everyone should be living their own life and pursuing something they truly believe in.  It really will make the world a better place.

When you are down you have to always have hope that there is a greater place you will be.  You can be at rock bottom but reach back up to the stars.  Steve Jobs was fired from his own company and later said about that time in his life that it was his most creative!  

Believe in what you do.  And heck yes I believe in what I do!  I strive to educate the world about the importance of all wildlife, bring awareness to habitat destruction and encourage people to make simple changes that can impact the entire world.  If cute animal faces can not make the world a better place, I don’t think anything can.  So here is my journey one step at a time.  Although right now seems like the beginning, it has been an incredibly long start!  But here I am following in Steve Jobs’ words: “So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”

Bring it on world.

Here are some other inspirations worth taking a gander at.

“If you don’t give back, no one will like you.”
The sass on their website is perfect and it is all about volunteering, raising money for charity and having the most fun in the world while doing it.

“It is an open collaborative production company, and this website is where we make things together.”
A unique idea.  The money made from products is split half to the company and half to the collaborators.  A random person can make money from this site!

The Happiness Project
A book by Gretchen Rubin.
A woman’s year of making resolutions.
I read this once but am planning a reread with notes.  Inspiring to push yourself to make changes in your life.

And what I am dying to check out:
Start Something That Matters 
A book by Blake Mycoskie (founder of TOMS)
Just watch this 2 min video to get my point.
Am I ready?

Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish! 

This entry was posted in crowdrise.com, hitrecord.org, inspiration, start something that matters, stay foolish, stay hungry, steve jobs, the happiness project. Bookmark the permalink.

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