Remember your dreams.

My exact dreams change but one thing that stays constant is that I want to make a difference. I usually have a good idea of where I want to go and how I want to get there. And for me, the road is not just bumpy but filled with huge potholes, landslides and random fires that blow everything up. A little dramatic but at times that’s what it feels like.

But despite the craziness there is a part of me, sometimes it’s miniscule, that stays positive. I’m not really sure how. I think it’s genes. Or maybe it’s all those years of playing competitive soccer coming out?

Or maybe it’s my parents. A number of years ago my father gave me these quote cards below. I kept them and earlier this year found them in a box. It seemed they resurfaced at a perfect time and I kept them out of the box and hung them up in my house. I look at them often and try and remember to not give up. The hope remains that the future is very bright and filled with yet another one of my dreams becoming a reality.


So as I go through one of those fire filled road blocks I mentioned earlier and struggle with exactly how to make my dreams a reality, I will read these quotes yet again.

Take a second, read them and then look at how cute I was as a kiddo. 🙂

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One Response to Remember your dreams.

  1. Mike says:

    You were a cutie!! What happened 🙂

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