Tag Archives: Texas
What Hits You At The Core?
As we walked the edge of the levee overlooking the Dallas skyline, I looked out at the Trinity River and thought, oh, are those ducks? Quickly, I realized the objects floating by on the river was consistent and crowding every … Continue reading
Floods Or Droughts, Water Quality Is Still An Issue
My summer was full of craziness so I’m catching up and posting my columns that have run in the paper for the last few weeks. Some, like this one, are a little off time-wise but still have great information in … Continue reading
100th Environmental Column Milestone!
This is my 100th article/column for Katy Trail Weekly! I’ve covered a variety of environmental issues that relate to our everyday lives: from water issues, cosmetics, moving, overpopulation, toiletries, viruses, hunting, tea, nuclear energy and many more. If you’re wondering … Continue reading
Pushing The Boundaries Of Art And The Environment
Art and the environment go together like peanut butter and jelly. Ok, maybe not as nostalgic as PB&J, but when the two disciplines utilize each other’s strengths, the result has an immense, positive impact. Throughout history, art has taken inspiration … Continue reading
Should You Be Worried About Cockroaches And Kissing Bugs?
Hello all! Well, it’s been a crazy few weeks. My beloved computer has run into a little hiccup. It’s times like these I am very thankful to live in a big city with an Apple store less than five miles … Continue reading
Nuclear Energy – Environmentally Friendly Or Not?
I waiver on the fence sometimes, but when forced to make a decision, I know what side I’ll land on regarding nuclear energy. The Fukushima nuclear disaster has been making headlines again as we acknowledge the five-year anniversary and take … Continue reading
Believe In Love, Sustainable Green Love
If you tuned into the greenest Super Bowl of all time this past Sunday, you probably didn’t notice the environmental efforts behind the scenes. The 50th Super Bowl, held at Levi’s Stadium in the San Francisco Bay area, a sustainable … Continue reading
Top 5 Environmental Commitments For 2016
Here are the top five commitments to make for the environment in 2016. I chose these based on simplicity, easy access to resources (focused on here in Dallas), and each tip can be done by a beginner and extended out … Continue reading
Year end wrap up for the environment and Dallas
Fifty weeks. Fifty articles. Roughly 32,000 words right here Along the Green Trail — all about the environment with a connection to Dallas. From the outside many don’t see the environmental strides our big Texas city has taken, but in … Continue reading