Tag Archives: Texas
Overpopulation: and the numbers keep growing
Quick test: How many people currently live in the DFW area and how many do you think will live here in 2040? To get a frame of reference: New York City’s population is about 8.4 million, Los Angeles County about … Continue reading
Find your own environmentally friendly home
Finding a place to live in Dallas is not easy. Your choices are endless: luxury apartments, numerous townhouses, old brick homes, modern style homes and a variety more. Finding a home that also has environmentally friendly features while maintaining your … Continue reading
From one extreme to another: Drought to flood
This article was published last Thursday in the Katy Trail Weekly. Since then, it has continued to rain and floods are causing damage all over Texas. The forecast for the next few days has more chances of rain. It’s hard … Continue reading
Bike to work without the sweat
If money talks, it’s easy to see electric bikes are the next big trend. A quick search revealed two high grossing electric bike crowdfunding projects: Sondors Electric Bike raised over $5 million in Spring 2015, and the more recent Wave … Continue reading
Earth Day Texas 2015 – How will you have a part in sustainability?
Earth Day Texas drew thousands of people, visiting with speakers and exhibitors from around the country. Two large exhibit halls at Fair Park were packed with over 1,100 exhibitors and numerous speakers inspiring and educating people to think about our … Continue reading
ReGeared reminds us to use our creativity to be green
Many people think the only way to be green is to do it all or do nothing. It’s really not about taking on every challenge to reduce your impact on the planet. Collectively, if we are all more aware of … Continue reading
Earth Day Texas kicks off today with plenty of green fun
Earth Day Texas, the world’s largest public exhibition devoted to environmental stewardship is free and runs from April 24-26, in Fair Park. Stop by to participate in interactive activities designed to entertain, inform and instruct attendees on ways to reduce … Continue reading
Get ready to party in April for Earth Month
Everyone loves a great party with tasty food, fun games, and good people. April is the official month of parties to celebrate our Earth. Over 20 million Americans took part in the first Earth Day on April 22, 1970. The … Continue reading
Aquaponics – Grow your food without dirt
A trip to the local grocery store can be discouraging. Start reading ingredient labels and you will be disgusted by what’s found in all boxed and canned foods. Next, you hit the edges of your local grocer to stay healthy … Continue reading
Top 5 ways to connect with nature in the city.
March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. The official first day of Spring is March 20th, and with the help of Daylight savings time our days extend well past when we get home from work. … Continue reading