
Trains are fabulous. They take people to their jobs, across the country and to countless appointments. If you live in an area with trains is there a need for a car? Unfortunately you can’t get everywhere on a train… Yet.

But trains must be done right. They must be reliable, accurate and quick. The Dallas DART has yet to embody all of these adjectives but its not their fault. There a are numerous train lines that run on the same tracks through downtown Dallas. That means if a train mechanical problem or car accident on the tracks occurs it shuts down everybody. The other day I was stranded downtown due to a car trying to cross the tracks early and totaling their car. Had I not caught a ride I would have been stuck for hours!

But I love taking the train. Sure you get some strange people but most of the time you are not smashed right up next to them. And nothing better than a little entertainment to brighten your commute! My favorite so far is probably the guy talking on his house phone in a plastic bag. That’s right house phone. The old kind with a curly cord and stand. I kept having to check down at the bottom to see if it was somehow actually plugged in somewhere!! He was goooood.

As I sit at west end station a bit worried that someone will come jack my dozen donuts and run off with them but its probably not going to happen. Don’t think someone didn’t try!

Mass transit is the way to go. Save money. I pay about $40 a month for my pass. If I drove it would be about $150 per month! Not to mention the frustration of Dallas traffic.

The train is of course the more green way to travel. Takes less energy for this big hunk of train to travel then if we all took our individual cars. And that is the number one reason I found a place to live that had easy access to the train. Luckily I found it.

So next time you move keep the trains in mind and think about hopping on. It’s actually cozy and fun!


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